How To Dominate your fears ?

Fears have a very strog impact on your life. Fears are of many kinds
- Fear of somthing supernatural thing ( very rare )
- Fear of losing somthing ( accepted at some levels )
- Fear of facing others ( accepted at most levels )

so lets discuss with 3rd point and that is facing others, why we have fears in facing others is Just inside the heart of our heart we have lots of problems we are facing and in mixed reaction we start ignoring to face those who are more in to solutions than to problems.

Life is long and just keep in mind " every night has a day " So instead of running away from your fears you just face them boldly. Try to do those things from which you are running away. I bet if you faced one odd thing and get yourself out of it successfully then you will be able to face all problems related to your psyche or related to your profession or related to your marital life.

My article is supporting all type of fears but i have concentrated on basic things which are very much important and are closely related to life.