Seeking knowledge from your Elders and winning hearts of old people

Well , Old people are in habit of involving in activities of youngsters. The reason behind it is that old people consider themselve more experienced and well mannered to tackle the problems.
So being a youngster, I have planned to get the happiness of my elders and in reaction gave them and infact giving them the due time and attention
- Just Follow what the telling you even if you are not interested in what they are discussing with you. In this way they will feel their importance.
- In old age every mother or father needs proper attention, so better to listen them then to ignore them. If you are ignoring them they can take it on their heart and may be start feeling alone
- Just give the due respect and time even if you are damn busy, But only think when you were a child and asking stupid and idiotic questions every time then these were the people who kept on listening your voice and laugh at them and support you every time.
Just try to be patient infront of them sometimes their discussion can make you irritated but all in all they are your father or mother or even your grand parents. So Just listen to them carefully and take lots of prayers from them.

I hope you peopl will follow it as it is directly from my heart to your heart