How dominate a female,when she is angry at you

Females by nature are very sensitive, they just accept every thing on spot and reject every thing.
- If you are guilty and you just want your girl to get back to you easily, Just try to contact her by any mean and let her feel that you are nothing without her. Just tell her something good which happened between you and your girl. After doing this for a week like:
Call her or message her every morning
Do some good calls or messages at afternoon time, then good night wish to her as well.
In this way you will be able to cater her attention even if she is angry at you. After repeating the same procedure, at once stop calling her or messaging her. This will forsure make her feel that something is missing in her life and you are the thing which she really mises from her life either in a good way or as a bad way but she will truely mises you.
- She will try to contact you either by answering your one week back message or call you to answer or discuss anything with you and this thing has nothing to do with both of your lives.
- Just at that time you have to hit the deck hard and counter her emotionally and make her feel that without you , she is nothing and let her feel in her heart that if she loses you she will be in great loss.
- Great things from great hearts, love and care makes a girl completely yours and completely fool and blind.
- Female is a very soft gift from mother nature, manage here softly and you will get your life as heaven on earth.