What i have learnt today ?

When you are successful, people used to follow you and praise you. But when you come in the same plate with them just to have a cup of coffee then they will not only discourage you but also let you to feel that you have done nothing in your life.
Facing the worst things in life can make you strong.
- When you have nothing to eat, still you are surviving
- When your friends are going for a trip and you have nothing in your pocket then by saying that you are not interested in going outside.
- when your cycle gets punctured and still you are managing to work and still managing to use it as your sole vehicle.
- Things really hurt you when you have a mind of a king who wants to rule and you are living a life of begger who wants to ask for things.
- But still somthing inside heart pricks me that i will have a very fine and best days in my life and i will enjoy every thing that comes in my way.