Starting of Life and my View

Every 1 in the world born with identity or luck, same is the case with me. Situations are bit different, and main thing that matters is your confidense
Seen many people having great stature and great postion in society but they have somthing in their heart which always makes them feel shy in facing the Moob.
My idea of confidense:
- Always think of your Good and best time what you did at that time, how you enjoyed and how people clapped on your success.
- Always try to do that thing which is new and no one has ever think of it. 2 advantages of doing it 1) No one will question you about it whether you are going bad or going Good
2) Every one has a picture of your success because no one has any knowledge about that thing.
- On the base of that thing when you get success, People will again Clapped for you and always give you importance. I have tried it and i got huge success.
- Human has a psyche, He always favor success and successful people. At one side people are advising you to work hard or to do somthing good to become well know person infront of people, on another side those same people favor you when you are at the top. 2 things Can make you to the top, this is very very interesting especially for the people who are depressed and underconfident
a) Choose somthing which is not in the knowledge of any person
b) work hard in that thing or field, get somthing good ( output ) whether small or large no body cares because as i said no one has knowledge of that thing ;) ( very important point in life )
c) Try to target people who can be your support if you are going through your bad and you will in future can go through bad days, These people comprised of those who have sound grip and every one around them wil listen to them